Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Simplified procedures to perform a dual channel Auto land on the Boeing B-737-400 aircraft in MSFSX

     On the overhead panel
·         Turn On the battery
·         Turn ON both the FWD & AFT fuel pumps
·         Start the APU
·         Wait till the EGT rises and goes to 400 degrees C. The APU GEN light will turn ON
·         Turn ON the APU Generator

Turn ON the following
·         No smoking lights
·         Seat belt sign
·         Arm the emergency lights
·         Pitot static
·         Yaw damper

Locate the hydraulic pumps
·         Turn OFF ENG1 & ELEC2
·         Turn ON ELEC1 & ENG2

On the overhead panelà for the APU
·         Isolation valve-OPEN
·         APU Bleed – ON
·         Left and right packs –OFF

Set the parking brakes
Switch On the anti-collision lights prior to engine start
Engine starting procedures
·         Selector switch to right, ignitor to GRD. At 25% N2 à start lever to idle. Verify ignitor goes to OFF position at 56% N2
·         Use same procedure for left engine.
·         Turn GEN switches to ON position (GEN1/GEN2).
·         The APU GEN BUS OFF will light up.
·         Now shut down the APU.
·         Go back to the Hydraulics panel and turn On ENG1 & ELEC2
Shutting the APU
·         Set left pack to AUTO
·         Set right pack to AUTO
·         Set isolation valve to AUTO
·         Set APU bleed to OFF
Turn ON the following lights
·         Runway turn off lights
·         Taxi
·         Wing
·         Wheel well
Turn ON the window heat.
Position the IRS
·         Select to HDG/STS
·         Selector knob to ALIGN on both left and right IRS
·         A number is displayed on the IRS panel which is the time in minutes left for the alignment process.
·         After the alignment process select NAV on both left and right IRS
Program the Flight Management Computers
·         Enter position in POS INIT
·         Enter the desired waypoints in the ROUTE/LEGS page
·         Gross weight-150
·         Reserves-6
·         CRZ ALT-10000
·         Select N1 limit
·         V1-144  K
·         VR-146 K
·         V2-152 K
·         Flaps -15
Setup the MCP
·         Turn FD/AT
·         Increase speed to 144 K on the speed selector
·         Set altitude to cruise-30000
·         Select course based on the airport heading
·         Set flaps 15
·         Set auto brake to RTO
Take off procedure
Release parking brakes and taxi to runway and align the aircraft with centreline of runway. Increase throttles and allow engines to stabilize. Increase to take off speed. Callout 80K (start of High speed regime), V1 and VR. Rotate at VR. At positive rate of climb retract the landing gear. At V2 retract the flaps.
Arming the auto pilot
·         At 1000 feet AGL turn ON the autopilot (CMD A)
·         Hit LNAV followed by VNAV
Turn On the TCAS. Select TA/RA and set the ILS frequency of the destination airport on the NAV radios.
Decrease speed and altitude as you approach the waypoints (per the FMC indicated values)
·         On the approach decrease speed to 200K and set flaps 10.
·         Extend flaps as indicated in the flap speed schedule.
·         Decrease speed to 180K or just above the VREF speed to avoid stalling the aircraft
·         When the aircraft is aligned with the runway centre line the localizer and glide slope comes “alive”.
·         Activate VOR LOC on the MCP
·         Arm the speed brakes
·         Set auto brakes to 3
·         Once the glide slope (Magenta triangle is in the middle)is set on the PFD and glide slope is captured hit the APP button followed by CMD B (second auto pilot)
·         Extend the landing gear and set flaps full at 1000 Feet
·         Allow the aircraft to flare out and land. Disarm the A/T
·         At touchdown deploy the thrust reversers (till 80K-end of high speed regime)
Retract flaps and taxi the aircraft to bay. Shutdown engines.

Monday, November 23, 2009

The Traffic Patterns

The Traffic pattern consists of 5 legs.
They are:
1. The Departure leg - which is the take-off roll.
2. The Crosswind leg - The flight path is perpendicular to the runway and generally crosswise to the wind direction and hence called the crosswind leg.
3. The Downwind leg - The aircraft is going with the wind instead of into it hence called the downwind leg.
4. The Base leg - The short side ahead of the runway is called the base leg and is usually perpendicular to the runway.
5. The Final approach (sometimes just called Final) - From the end of base leg to the start of the runway is the Final Approach.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

The Landing Flare

While landing an aircraft, the transistion from a normal approach attitude to a landing attitude is termed as a Landing Flare. The Flare is usually carried out when the aircraft is approximately 10 feet from the ground. The roundout should be smooth enough so that the main landing gear wheels touchdown first followed by the nose-gear wheels. A common mistake which most student pilots do in their first flying lessons is pulling back hard on the yoke even before the aircraft reaches the flare height. This is a dangerous mistake and should be avoided.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Runway Markings


The Precision Approach Path Indicator (PAPI)

The Precision Approach Path Indicator (PAPI) is the commonly used glidepath system. It provides the glidepath information required during approaches. It is usually found on the left side of the runway and consists of a single row of lights. The glidepath is normally set at 3 degrees.

In a typical system (see the figure shown above) a single row concicting of 4 light units projects the following colours based on the visual approach path:

  • If the aircraft is below the glidepath, all 4 lights are red.
  • If the aircraft is above the glidepath, all 4 lights are white.
  • If the aircraft is on the glidepath, the PAPI projects 2 red and 2 white lights.

Friday, October 16, 2009

The International Phonetic alphabet

V-speeds defined

V-speeds are used to define the airspeeds of an aircraft during all stages of its flight.
  • VS --> Stalling speed or the minimum steady flight speed at which the airplane is controllable.
  • VMCG --> Minimum control speed on the ground, with one engine inoperative, (critical engine on two engine airplanes) takeoff power on other engine(s), using aerodynamic controls only for directional control. (Must be less than V1).
  • VMCA --> Minimum control speed in the air, with one engine inoperative, (critical engine on two engine airplanes) operating engine(s) at take off power, maximum of 5° bank into the good engine(s).
  • V1 --> Critical engine failure speed or decision speed. Engine failure below this speed shall result in an aborted takeoff; above this speed the take off run should be continued.
  • VR --> Speed at which the rotation of the airplane is initiated to takeoff attitude. This speed cannot be less than V1 or less than 1.05 times VMC. With an engine failure, it must also allow for the acceleration to V2 at the 35-foot height at the end of the runway.
  • VLO --> Lift-off speed. The speed at which the airplane first becomes airborne.
  • V2 --> The takeoff safety speed which must be attained at the 35-foot height at the end of the required runway distance. This is essentially the best one-engine inoperative angle of climb speed for the airplane and should be held until clearing obstacles after takeoff, or until at least 400 feet above the ground.
  • VFS --> Final segment climb speed, which is based upon one-engine inoperative climb, clean configuration, and maximum continuous power setting.